On April 3rd, Brady hit the 17th month mark. I feel that the last 4 weeks have really been filled with developmental changes and tremendous growth. This little guy is so sweet and loving, it reminds us regularly how truly blessed we are that God brought him into our lives.
His vocabulary is expanding and has added, "all done", "up stairs", "basketball", "baseball", "down", and "no" to his everyday vernacular. The word no is starting to pop up much more frequently but has not been out of control quite yet. He knows what he wants and will attempt to show or tell you what that may be.
The toddler tantrums still remain here and there, however, Dave and I have started to discipline more now that he is older and understands. I have been taking part in a study in the MOMS group I am in, and we are currently reading, Shepherding A Child's Heart, which has greatly shaped how and when we deal with those tantrums and rebellious moments. I recommend this book to everyone. It is one that can and needs to be read over and over and your child grows. More information on the book can be found here.
Most of our days are filled with fun, and he LOVES the outdoors. We recently bought a tee ball set and a lawn mower and he loves to play with them. He readily gives hugs and kisses and kindly in a southern twang says "bye-bye" and blows kisses whenever we leave anywhere. His favorite foods right now are edamame, avocado and chicken nuggets.
I love every moment that we share with him, and I am exciting to see him grow with the Lord.
17 month stats: 16 teeth and I would guess around 23 pounds.