Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gobble, Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving!  The Gobles were able to share a wonderful weekend with family.  Our gathering was quite a bit smaller this year since my in-laws were in NYC and my sister and her family were in TN.  Despite the fact that my husband and I both had to work on the actual Turkey Day, we were still able to share in a wonderful feast on Saturday.

I have decided that roasting a turkey is not so difficult, it is the last minute prep on everything so that it all comes out HOT is the tricky thing!

But the holiday is a great time to reflect on what we truly are thankful for, and I do have to say, I could compile a gigantic list, however, I will narrow it down to a few things.

1. My parents and my husbands parents.  They have been so helpful in our first year of parenthood.  There were a few days where we were not sure what we would do without Nana.

2. The lovely ladies that I have met through our church and MOMS group.  It is great to share my growth in God with wonderful supporters.

3. Lastly these two guys.  I think the pictures state it all. I am one lucky lady!

Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Our Little 1 Year Old

I know this is about 2+ weeks late, but this past month, our little guy turned one year old.  It amazes me every day to see how he has changed and the new things that he is learning.  At 12 months old we are getting a few "words" out of him.  He seems to say "Mama" and "Baba" and the last day or so he has started babbling quite a bit to himself.  It is pretty cute to listen to, and I am sure it is a preview of his vocabulary to come.  Despite his limited speech, he is able to communicate through sign language.  He can sign milk, more, all done, water, food, dog, bath, nap, and thank you.  When asked (and he is in the mood) he can tell you what a lion and monkey says.  He knows where his head, nose, and ears are located and he can clap, stomp his feet, and blow kisses on command.

He has 7 teeth, and the molars are on there way.  I noticed a tear in his gum on one side, so I think one will be making it's appearance soon.  He is now on whole milk, but both Mom and Brady made it to the one year mark breastfeeding.  My freezer stash helped us get through the last few weeks, and I am thankful for that.

He truly is a sweet little boy.  He has his moments and tantrums, but he has a shy side that is precious.  I think he gets that more from his Daddy, but I can see why, because he is a Daddy's boy!

I cannot put to words what this past year has meant to me, but I will say as I have before.  The LORD truly allows us to be parents to give us a glimpse of the love that he has for US, and what a LOVE that is, so powerful and life changing!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?

A few weekends ago, we celebrated our little guy's first birthday.  We actually had to have it a week early since my husband had to work on his actual birthday weekend, but we were so blessed that our friends and family were able to come and share the day with all of us!

I decided to go with a Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?  theme based on the Eric Carle book.  Once I started planning, it seems like it kept going and going, and with some help from my Mom and Aunt, it turned out to be quite a success.

This was the beautiful banner my Aunt Sharon made and shipped it all the way from Colorado to NC.  My mom put together the 3-D table and mantle decorations using the Eric Carle fabric cut out and glued on different colored paper.

Our balloon wreath welcomed guests into the party.  I found this idea here, and we attached a cut out of the brown bear from the Brown Bear fabric my mom purchased. 

Next came the food.  I had alot of fun decorating the dessert table and found alot of items from multiple Etsy shops.  We had Brown Bear Chocolate Grahams, Goldfish Crackers, and Red Bird Red Velvet cupcakes to name a few treats. 

Instead of getting a smash cake, we let the little guy experiment with a cupcake, he wore the Brown Bear bib his Grandma made him and he seemed to enjoy the frosting for a bit, then was ready for it to be off of his hands!

I had a great time putting together the favor bags for the kids.  I was able to print off a bunch of Brown Bear themed learning activities, which allowed them to play Heads or Tails with the animals from the book, and they were also able to color their own book to keep.  I stuck in a bag of Goldfish Crackers, Chocolate Teddy Grahams, and gummy bears for an additional treat (as if the cupcakes and ice cream weren't enough!) 

I think the little guy had a great first birthday party surrounded by wonderful family and friends! 

If anyone is interested in where I bought any of the products in the pictures, feel free to leave a comment and I am sure I can do some digging and find the sites I visited.  I know most are pinned on my Pinterest page, and most things were bought on Etsy or Target.  

Happy Halloween

I know this is a tad bit late, but I have been BAD about uploading pictures.  Here are a few of our little lion man on his 1st Halloween.