Sunday, April 7, 2013

17 Months

On April 3rd, Brady hit the 17th month mark.  I feel that the last 4 weeks have really been filled with developmental changes and tremendous growth.  This little guy is so sweet and loving, it reminds us regularly how truly blessed we are that God brought him into our lives.

His vocabulary is expanding and has added, "all done", "up stairs", "basketball", "baseball", "down", and "no" to his everyday vernacular.  The word no is starting to pop up much more frequently but has not been out of control quite yet.  He knows what he wants and will attempt to show or tell you what that may be.

The toddler tantrums still remain here and there, however, Dave and I have started to discipline more now that he is older and understands.  I have been taking part in a study in the MOMS group I am in, and we are currently reading, Shepherding A Child's Heart, which has greatly shaped how and when we deal with those tantrums and rebellious moments.  I recommend this book to everyone.  It is one that can and needs to be read over and over and your child grows.  More information on the book can be found here.

Most of our days are filled with fun, and he LOVES the outdoors.  We recently bought a tee ball set and a lawn mower and he loves to play with them.  He readily gives hugs and kisses and kindly in a southern twang says "bye-bye" and blows kisses whenever we leave anywhere.  His favorite foods right now are edamame, avocado and chicken nuggets.

I love every moment that we share with him, and I am exciting to see him grow with the Lord.

17 month stats: 16 teeth and I would guess around 23 pounds.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

16 Months

This past month has been an emotional one for us, however, continuing to watch our little guy grow and change has made it all the while.  A friend recently told me that the 16-20 month time was "golden" and I would have to agree.  It is amazing to watch a child truly learn and pick up on new things each and every day.  Yes, we still have our meltdowns, but they are a little more infrequent, and most stem from the fact that he wants to go outside, (non-stop----c'mon Spring get here!) play with the iPad, or watch Mickey Mouse.

He loves to stack things, and move bottles, plates, bowls and cups all around the house.  He seems to prefer to play with these things right now instead of his toys.  His favorite thing is to be outside, and I am looking forward for the weather to warm up, so that we can spend hours outside.  He is picking up on our routines as well, and he will get a bag, put it on his arm and wave "bye bye" and give kisses to us, like he is leaving for work, just like his Daddy does.  It is pretty sweet, but it makes you realize those eyes and ears are watching your every move.

His vocabulary is continuing to grow.  It is still saying mostly babble, but the babble is much more frequent.  He can still say, "Mama, Dada, Belle-Belle, on, uh-oh, and bye-bye", and has added "duck, papa (sometimes),  balloon, and last night with the phone in his hand he made a sound that sounded like hello".  He still signs "food, milk, more, please, thank you, and all done". He can point to most body parts (head, hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tummy, hands, and feet), and can recite animal sounds when asked, (a lion, monkey, dog, cat, duck, chicken, and a sheep).

He went through a stage where he did not want us to read any books to him, but the last few weeks, he has been bringing us books and his favorite are books that have any type of lift-the-flap or that has something that he can point out (like the balloon in Goodnight Moon or the bear in I Love You All The Time).

He is still a great eater, loves most fruits and a few vegetables.  Some of his favorites are chicken, avocado, edamame, broccoli, oranges, grapes, and strawberries.  He is finally drinking milk from a cup pretty well, and some days he will guzzle it down non-stop and some days he would rather have water.  We still pretty much limit him to those 2 things.  His favorite snacks are PB crackers, Cheerios, Goldfish, and yogurt covered raisins.

He is such a blessing.  Look at those eyes, how can you resist?

16 month stats:  22 lbs 8 oz, 33 inches long.  14 teeth and 1 on the way!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Trials and True Joy

Time continues to fly by and this past month has seemed like a whirlwind and an eternity at the same time.  In the middle of January we were excited to find out that there would be another Goble baby on the way, so these last few weeks were filled with joyful anticipation.

10 days ago we were scheduled for our 8 week ultrasound.  At 8 weeks and 4 days, I was looking forward to this visit, hoping to share the good news with the grandparents in the days following.     When the doctor walked in and sat down, she told us that she wished she had good news to share.  My 8 week ultrasound was looking more like 6 weeks, and although she wanted us to come back in a week to be sure, she wanted to prepare us that we may have lost the baby.  It was hard for me to hear because there were no signs, no pain, and no bleeding. 

Last week was a blur to me.  Filled with so many emotions and tears.  It is amazing how at even such a early stage, it can be so heartbreaking to lose a baby.  So we waited and wondered.  I prayed at every moment that I could, that maybe there would be chance that this little life would continue to grow, however, at the same time, I was preparing my heart and my mind that we may have already lost it.  

Thursday we went back to the doctor for our follow up ultrasound, and although we were somewhat prepared, it was still difficult hearing that you lost your baby.  We decided on the D&E procedure which took place this past Friday, and I am now healing from the physical and emotional loss.  

I am not sure why I feel so hesitant to talk or write about this subject.  Especially since I have found comfort in many online forums and mother sites that talked about miscarriage.  1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage  but you seldom hear about them. I have had many friends dear to me that have gone through similar and even more difficult losses but it still seems like it is a thing that many keep to themselves.  Maybe it is because it is an emotional time that you share intimately with your spouse and loved ones.  I however, have felt comfort in reading many other women's stories and finding peace with what I am dealing with.  One of my closest friends lost her baby at 19 weeks and found out the exact same time as I did.  As sad as it was, I felt that the Lord had us going through this together to find some comfort in one another.  

The day after our first ultrasound, I was sitting in my MOMS group and one of the speakers quoted  a verse from James that truly stuck in my mind these last 10 days.  

James 1:2-12

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.
Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position. 10 But the rich should take pride in their humiliation—since they will pass away like a wild flower. 11 For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich will fade away even while they go about their business.
12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

It is difficult to find hope and joy in light of such sadness, but trusting the Lord and his divine plan has pulled me through this past week. It has opened my eyes even more to the joys that I experience through my loving husband and sweet son.  As I was awakened at 3 am last week, I rocked my little boy back to sleep and thanking the Lord for even that moment with him in the middle of the night.  

I have realized that my time right now is to focus on growing my faith, and loving my husband and son with all of my heart.  These next few months will be a focus on finding strength, motivation, love, and joy in all that I do.  I am reminded through this verse and through this time that perseverance through trials with the Lord by your side will give you strength and true joy.  

Friday, February 8, 2013

15 Months

Almost a week ago we hit the 15 month mark.  Time surely is flying by.  It is an interesting stage because in some instances, he seems so grown up and more toddler-like, and then at other times, I am reminded that he is still my little baby.

He continues to change daily and learn new things.  His vocabulary is expanding somewhat.  There is still mostly jibber jabber however he says "mama", "dada", "Belle-Belle", "bye-bye", "on" and a few other variations of other words.  He is a sweet little boy, loves to blow kisses, and give them, and he waves to everyone, whether it is out at the grocery store or out to dinner.  He is constantly saying hello to everyone.  However, the toddler tantrums are in full swing in our home.  If Brady does not get what he wants, he will make it known that he wants it.  We do not give in to his fits, however he still makes sure to try to get what he wants!

He is now running all over the house, down the street, and chasing after the dogs.  When he goes, he is gone, swinging one arm as fast as he can.  He likes to walk up the stairs like a "big boy" taking it step by step with a little help from mom and dad.  His favorite foods are pancakes, bananas (at times), avocado, edamame, grapes, and of course Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets.  He has a pretty good palate and will eat most of what we eat, as long as you can get him to taste it first.

We are finally a bottle and pacifier free home!  We dropped the pacifier at 6 months and we got rid of the final evening bottle about 3 weeks ago.  He has done great and now puts himself to sleep at night.  He no longer lets me read him a story and rock him for a bit.  Once we go to his room, he points to the light and his music and he goes to bed.  It has been nice, but it is bittersweet at the same time.

We are having fun here.  Days are exhausting at times when we don't get enough sleep or are not in a good mood, but then I look at evenings like tonight, when I took my little guy out to dinner, ate cooked apples together, and danced around the hallway to the radio.  These are the days that make it all worth it!

Monday, December 31, 2012

A Year In Review 2012

I was reminded today by my son that I should capture a few memories of this past year in writing.  There are so many blessings that we are thankful for, and moments that I would love to capture while they are still so fresh in my mind.  So here is the Goble 2012 year in review.

This year started for both of us as first time parents, and for me, going back to work full time as a pharmacist.  Shortly after returning I reduced my hours down to 32 hours, and then even later, down to 16.  I love being at home with my little man, and I want to first and foremost thank my husband for this.  He is so unselfish, and although there are many mornings that I know that the look in his eyes wishes that he could be at home with us, I am so grateful that he works so hard for the three of us, and I want him to know that he is showing our son a great example in the time and effort he spends helping so many other people each a every day.  For that, I love you.

I wanted to capture of few of my favorite Brady moments from this past year.

  • I love how he is such a great night sleeper.  Not quite during the day, but since 5 months old, he has consistently slept through the night.  Thank you for that!
  • His blue eyes melt my heart every time I look at them.
  • I love how his hair sticks up in the back and makes him look like Dennis the Menace.
  • He was NOT a good teether...but we made it through it each and every time. Thanks to Tylenol and Oragel.
  • He went on his first plane ride, and tried the pool for the first time.  For the rest of the summer the pool was a great baby calmer when he would get fussy in the afternoons.
  • I love how he smiles and grabs my phone whenever I play Paul Simon's Father and Daughter song.  I am not sure if it is because the album cover is a baby's face, or if he likes the song, but either way, I love to sing it to him, and always change the words to Mother and Son. 
  • I love how he says Uh Oh! to almost everything.  It is just so sweet and innocent. 
  • Lately there are a lot more toddler tantrums and fits, but those too, we survive one at a time. 
  • He loves to feed the dogs his snacks, and most end up in the dog's mouth than in his. 
  • I feel special that I captured his first smile. 
  • He goes through his phases, but he is such a daddy's boy.  I love to watch the two of them together. 
  • It was cute that he started grabbing our hands and leading us to something he wanted, except now that means we climb up the stairs 10+ times a day.  No need for a stairmaster here! 
Gosh, I think I could make the list go on and on.  And I am not a "real" mom if I did not say there were days when I wanted to scream right along with him, but looking back, they were just small bumps in this amazing road we are traveling on as parents.  And through our travels, I have realized how fortunate we are to have such an amazing support system in our parents.  My mom flew down at a moments notice when I decided to pull Brady from daycare and needed a sitter.  My mother-in-law is our saving grace when we are sick or out of sitter options.  I hope their guidance continues to mold Dave and I in our roles as mom and dad.  

This year has brought us joy in welcoming another new nephew, and Brady is so blessed to have 2 boy cousins so close in age to him.  We also have some sadness in realizing that we may lose a wonderful woman in our life, who has shown my husband, his family, and myself, love, strength and endurance.  As these holidays came filled with sickness and stress, knowing that for all of us, it could be our last, truly makes you reflect on where you came from, and where you are going.  

My hope for this next year is one filled with blessings for all of you.  Wishing you all a Happy New Year ALWAYS!!  

Kristian Stanfill 

My foes are many, they rise against me
But I will hold my ground
I will not fear the war, I will not fear the storm
My help is on the way, my help is on the way

Oh, my God, He will not delay
My refuge and strength always
I will not fear, His promise is true
My God will come through always, always

Troubles surround me, chaos abounding
My soul will rest in You
I will not fear the war, I will not fear the storm
My help is on the way, my help is on the way

Oh, my God, He will not delay
My refuge and strength always
I will not fear, His promise is true
My God will come through always, always

I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord
I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord
I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord
I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord
From You Lord, from You Lord

Oh, my God, He will not delay
My refuge and strength always
I will not fear, His promise is true
My God will come through always, always

Oh, my God, He will not delay
My refuge and strength always, always

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gobble, Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving!  The Gobles were able to share a wonderful weekend with family.  Our gathering was quite a bit smaller this year since my in-laws were in NYC and my sister and her family were in TN.  Despite the fact that my husband and I both had to work on the actual Turkey Day, we were still able to share in a wonderful feast on Saturday.

I have decided that roasting a turkey is not so difficult, it is the last minute prep on everything so that it all comes out HOT is the tricky thing!

But the holiday is a great time to reflect on what we truly are thankful for, and I do have to say, I could compile a gigantic list, however, I will narrow it down to a few things.

1. My parents and my husbands parents.  They have been so helpful in our first year of parenthood.  There were a few days where we were not sure what we would do without Nana.

2. The lovely ladies that I have met through our church and MOMS group.  It is great to share my growth in God with wonderful supporters.

3. Lastly these two guys.  I think the pictures state it all. I am one lucky lady!

Happy Holidays!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Our Little 1 Year Old

I know this is about 2+ weeks late, but this past month, our little guy turned one year old.  It amazes me every day to see how he has changed and the new things that he is learning.  At 12 months old we are getting a few "words" out of him.  He seems to say "Mama" and "Baba" and the last day or so he has started babbling quite a bit to himself.  It is pretty cute to listen to, and I am sure it is a preview of his vocabulary to come.  Despite his limited speech, he is able to communicate through sign language.  He can sign milk, more, all done, water, food, dog, bath, nap, and thank you.  When asked (and he is in the mood) he can tell you what a lion and monkey says.  He knows where his head, nose, and ears are located and he can clap, stomp his feet, and blow kisses on command.

He has 7 teeth, and the molars are on there way.  I noticed a tear in his gum on one side, so I think one will be making it's appearance soon.  He is now on whole milk, but both Mom and Brady made it to the one year mark breastfeeding.  My freezer stash helped us get through the last few weeks, and I am thankful for that.

He truly is a sweet little boy.  He has his moments and tantrums, but he has a shy side that is precious.  I think he gets that more from his Daddy, but I can see why, because he is a Daddy's boy!

I cannot put to words what this past year has meant to me, but I will say as I have before.  The LORD truly allows us to be parents to give us a glimpse of the love that he has for US, and what a LOVE that is, so powerful and life changing!