Friday, February 8, 2013

15 Months

Almost a week ago we hit the 15 month mark.  Time surely is flying by.  It is an interesting stage because in some instances, he seems so grown up and more toddler-like, and then at other times, I am reminded that he is still my little baby.

He continues to change daily and learn new things.  His vocabulary is expanding somewhat.  There is still mostly jibber jabber however he says "mama", "dada", "Belle-Belle", "bye-bye", "on" and a few other variations of other words.  He is a sweet little boy, loves to blow kisses, and give them, and he waves to everyone, whether it is out at the grocery store or out to dinner.  He is constantly saying hello to everyone.  However, the toddler tantrums are in full swing in our home.  If Brady does not get what he wants, he will make it known that he wants it.  We do not give in to his fits, however he still makes sure to try to get what he wants!

He is now running all over the house, down the street, and chasing after the dogs.  When he goes, he is gone, swinging one arm as fast as he can.  He likes to walk up the stairs like a "big boy" taking it step by step with a little help from mom and dad.  His favorite foods are pancakes, bananas (at times), avocado, edamame, grapes, and of course Chick-fil-a chicken nuggets.  He has a pretty good palate and will eat most of what we eat, as long as you can get him to taste it first.

We are finally a bottle and pacifier free home!  We dropped the pacifier at 6 months and we got rid of the final evening bottle about 3 weeks ago.  He has done great and now puts himself to sleep at night.  He no longer lets me read him a story and rock him for a bit.  Once we go to his room, he points to the light and his music and he goes to bed.  It has been nice, but it is bittersweet at the same time.

We are having fun here.  Days are exhausting at times when we don't get enough sleep or are not in a good mood, but then I look at evenings like tonight, when I took my little guy out to dinner, ate cooked apples together, and danced around the hallway to the radio.  These are the days that make it all worth it!

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