Monday, September 3, 2012

10 Months and Counting

This labor day marks our little guy's 10 month birthday.  This past week has been a rough one for not only him, but mom and dad as well.  He has been fussy all week, and on Tuesday, he starting running a low grade fever.  It was pretty pitiful, because the kid that LOVES to walk all over the house, just wanted to be held and put his head on his mommy's shoulder.

Of course, it was just a viral infection, and it needed to run it's course, but it still was hard to watch him in pain and not feeling well.  I am grateful that it was just a viral infection though, and I really to think the power of breastfeeding does help keep him pretty healthy.  So, Friday the fever was gone, then of course...more teething.  I love this stage, transitioning from my baby to my little toddler, but I could do without the teething process.  I think tooth #7 is starting it's way down his gums, which makes for another screaming, fussy few days.

Nevertheless, I hope this coming week, and starting his 10th month will be better for him.  He is developing quite a personality now. He has been walking for a month and half now, and is a lot more sturdy on his feet.  He can stand on his own, and I am quite impressed at the strength of those little calves and thighs. He can bend and hold a squat for quite a while.  I am pretty jealous!

He has not said any concrete words quite yet, but is still babbling.  I tried yesterday to get him to say "mama" and all I could get out of him was "rahrahrah".  Close enough I guess. We have been signing some words to him as well, and last night after dinner, when I asked him if he was all done, he waved his hands in the air and signed "all done".

He is a pretty good eater, and is nursing still about 4 times a day.  I made most of his baby food (which I will go into in a another post) but he now is primarily on table food.  He eats what mom and dad eat and he loves any and all kinds of protein.  Steak, pork tenderloin, chicken, shrimp, you name it, he shovels it in.

He points to his alphabet on the wall when you sing him the alphabet song, and when you count to ten he is starting to point to the numbers on the wall.  His new thing is to run to a pillow or mommy and put his head down.  It is pretty sweet, however, mommy is the recipient of most hugs.  I think daddy is feeling a little left out, but he will warm up to him soon.

He has been sleeping through the night since he was just shy of 5 months (8pm-6:30am), but lately, with a few vacations, the illness, and teeth, we have had a few interrupted nights of sleep, but I won't complain.  It just means a little extra cuddling with my little guy.  He still is not a great napper, but I rather get my sleep at night these days!!

These ten months have been the most rewarding time in my life, and my husband and I are so blessed to have this wondefrul source of love and joy in our lives.

Stats: (some from 9 month appointment) 18 lbs 5 oz, 28.5 inches long

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